Homeroom Teacher Required in Dubai - Dubai
Homeroom Teacher Required in Dubai
A Primary homeroom teacher is responsible for facilitating the learning of students in the elementary school from grades 1-6. Teachers must create lesson plans, incorporate technology, administer praise and constructive criticism, instruct and inspire students in Science, English, and Math.
Job Description of a Primary Home Room Teacher
The Primary School Home Room Teacher's primary job is to ensure that, in line with the school’s Mission and Objectives, all students learn the content and essential skills at each grade level as detailed in the school's schemes of work. The Home Room Teacher is directly responsible to the Head of the department and will work within the framework of school policies, procedures and guidelines. Each teacher is responsible for being aware of any medical conditions affecting students taught, and for knowing what, if any, action should be taken in cases of emergency. S/He will work in liaison, contact and co-operation with other members of staff, members of DAIS support and advisory services, Organizations and networks relevant to the teacher's specialty or subject, parents, the Chairperson, and the local community.
Specific duties and responsibilities of the Primary Home Room Teacher will include, but will not be limited to the following:
1. Planning: To plan and prepare courses, schemes of work and individual lessons; appropriate to the needs, interests, experience and existing knowledge of the pupils in one's class.
2. Setting and Supervising Work by Pupils: To teach a class or classes, sets, groups or individual pupils, and to set tasks to be undertaken, both at school and elsewhere.
3. Marking and Recording: To mark and assess pupils' work and to record their development, progress and attainment.
4. Discipline And Relationships: To take responsibility for maintaining good order, discipline and respect for others, among the pupils, both inside and outside the classroom; to promote understanding of the school's rules and values; to safeguard health and safety; and to develop relationships with and between pupils, conducive to optimum learning. Teachers are expected to role model appropriate use of language and communication.
5. Communication with Parents: To build and maintain co-operative relationships with parents and to communicate with them on pupils' learning and progress, drawing attention to special skills and talents, as well as to problems or difficulties.
6. The Classroom: To maintain an attractive, safe and stimulating classroom environment and to contribute to displays in the school as a whole.
7. Overall Policy and Review: To comply with all school policies and guidelines and take part in whole-school reviews of policy and aims.
8. Reports: To provide or contribute to oral and written assessments, reports and references relating to the development and learning of individual pupils and groups of pupils.
9. Review: To evaluate and review one's own teaching methods, materials and schemes of work, and to make changes as appropriate.
10. Professional Development: To be up–to-date with current educational thinking and practices; to improve one's pedagogy and understanding of pupils’ behaviour and development, both by study and by attendance at courses, workshops and meetings; and to participate in appraisals and reviews of one's work, arranged by the Head.
11. Public Relations: To establish and maintain co-operative relationships with other Staff members, exhibit appropriate professional conduct and dress, and Communicate positive aspects of the school to the public.
12. School Life: To engage in various activities at the school, such as:
• Serve as a home room/class teacher with responsibility, for the day-to-day pastoral care of students;
• To act as a mentor and role model to all DAIS students;
• Participate in off-site student field trips; • Attend meetings such as staff and departmental meetings;
• Carry out supervisory duties at break/lunch times and at the beginning or end of the school day;
• Participate in parent-teacher meetings;
13.Attend special events and support student functions outside of the regular school day;
• Serve on committees, as required;
• Lead / assist at least one co-curricular activity for students;
• Teach after-school enrichment classes for students identified as needing enrichment or additional reinforcement;
• Providing substitution for other teachers on need based, as required by the Heads and Programme Coordinators.
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Dubai, UAE
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