IT Assistant Required in Dubai - Dubai

IT Assistant Required in Dubai

Job Description
Maintain existing information systems.
Assist in Improve information systems in the Resorts.
Assisting in develop new programs for user departments to maximize use of computer system and be more responsive to management reporting requirements.
Run confidential - special reports as requested by Management through IT Manager / IT Supervisor.
Implement information systems policies and procedures. Review system security and change passwords periodically. Limit access to computer room and confidential computer installations.
Update computer operation manuals.
Assist user departments in training newly hired staff and any problems pertaining to computer system operations.
Implement the following control procedures:
Data input controls
Processing controls
Output controls
Error correction controls.
Co-ordinate with vendors on hardware maintenance and implementation of software upgrades and updates.
Liaise closely with corporate office on software and computer related policies and ensure they are implemented.
Co-ordinate closely with IT Supervisor / IT Manager on the implementation of software and hardware audit of various computers and software used in the resorts by the various departments.
Prepare regular inventory of hardware and software installed in the resorts.

Doc Ref: IT Assistant Page 3

Last Updated: 7/24/2023 Version 0.1
Closely monitor information systems departmental costs and expenses.
Implement and monitor computer and information systems related capital expenditures.
Provide a monthly statistical report such as Menu Engineering/Sales report for F&B, Turn Over report, BMS Monthly Statistical Report, Access Control Report, Productivity, and other required report requested by Management.
Involve in all resorts’ projects related to the Information, Communications and Technology.
Perform other duties that may be assigned by the IT Supervisor / IT Manager.

Migration to and installation of new systems and computer applications
Assisting in review site preparation requirements and liaise closely with Director of Engineering to ensure that Computer Room and stations are ready for the installation.
Co-ordinate closely with software vendors on the installation of Front Office System, Back Office, Point of Sales, Payroll and Inventory Systems and other Software Applications.
Liaise closely with hardware suppliers on delivery dates and hardware installation.
Determine computer forms and supplies and prepare the necessary order. Follow up delivery dates with Purchasing Department to insure availability during training and actual installations.
Prepare training schedules and co-ordinate closely with user departments to maximize training sessions.
Responsible for ensuring smooth installation of all Computer applications such as Opera Front Office System, SUN, TPS Millennium, BAS, MICROS Point of Sale System and such other applications that will be installed by the resorts.
Assist user departments in conducting training on the various computer applications to be installed in the resorts.
Formulate information systems policies and procedures, emergency plans and other documentation requirements. Prepare user's manual. Any other special projects that may be assigned by the IT Supervisor / IT Manager.


Posted on : last year, #325, 1 views

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